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It is *evident* that the fact that the living room table is covered in bits of cardboard and bookbinding paper means that I'm cleaning up my desktop, right?

As in “making a small chest of drawers to store some of the samplers and small containers of ink that I currently have in a mess on the desktop” :D

The current status is that 3 out of 4 drawers are done, one is nearly done, and the structure to put them in needs to be redone from scratch, because my measurements have been way too optimistic and the drawers don't fit :(

But I've started to put some of the ink samplers in one of the drawers, and those are fitting just fine. Also, *all¹* the colours!

¹ actually just above half of the colours available in that line of ink

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Io sono pieno di pezzi di compensato, barre di ferro e simili ma la situa è analoga.

Dear lazyverse, I've just read and and I don't understand one thing: can this be used to generate an invite for an user that already exists and has been using the account for a while, but needs to reconfigure an xmpp client on a new phone?

of course they don't know their password, but I would have to reset it from prosodyctl anyway.



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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Adding a new device via invitation is not currently a thing. Password resets links (which work almost the same as invitations) are.

Generate a password reset link with this command:

'prosodyctl mod_invites --reset username'

I haven't extensively tested it with clients or invite UIs beyond Snikket, though. Feedback welcome 🙂

Debacle reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I add to the excellent @mattj explanation that both invitation things are very familiar to @snikket_im admins ...
in reply to Roberto Resoli


@shuro Snikket is XMPP for people who don't know what #XMPP is 🙂

If you're happy with Conversations, continue using it! Snikket is more limited because it focuses on a specific use case.

If you want an easy-to-use messaging solution for a group of people (e.g. family, friends, clubs), plus companion apps and easy onboarding without forcing people to learn what a "XEP" is, then Snikket is here for you:

We just want XMPP to reach beyond the tech crowd.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

No, but there is also a module where the admin can generate a password reset link for that user. Don't have the name in my mind ATM and can't comfortably research as I'm AFK.

Calibro 35 - Traitors

#mastoradio #fediradio

Avviso contenuto: kickstarter for a (famous) webcomic

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Avviso contenuto: kickstarter per un webcomic (famoso) in inglese

The case for #Pyra. is. done.

It could have been neater, and maybe tomorrow or next week I'll unpick the binding on the raw edges and sew it again, because it's ugly, but the size is just right and it works.

Only took 3 attempts to get to the right amount of ease :)

There will be pictures (and a blog post). Not today :D

#sewing #MYOG

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

OTOH, there are pictures of one of the things that I used to postpone the third attempt at the case.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

In compenso, ci sono foto di una delle cose che ho fatto nella settimana anziché cucire il terzo tentativo della custodia.

io ho deciso per #sculo

tired: it's pronounced S Q L

wired: it's pronounced sequel

inspired: it's pronounced squirrel

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